Happiness Has Found Me

Her inner beauty
so powerful
still I try to understand.
I bathe in her goodness
while she washes away my mistakes
of years past.

Now clean
heart and soul
she reaches in
touching me
in places forgotten
bringing me back to life.

once a thing avoided
is again my friend.
No longer afraid
I look ahead
and see the years to come.

I am happy.

17 thoughts on “Happiness Has Found Me

  1. I concur, wonderful, as always, Steve, and I’m also glad you have found happiness, even though we don’t know each other. I feel like you and I write of the same contentment in love and it’s nice to know someone can relate. I’m always hoping others are able to find the same true love and contentment after reading my romance collection…have a wonderful Monday! πŸ™‚

    By the way, continue with the great metaphors; love them! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you Lauren… on both counts. Contentment, fulfillment… how can you beat that? It’s possible that many of your readers will find contentment after seeing someone else put into words what they already feel… to show them it’s okay to express one’s self. πŸ™‚

      I’m with you on the having others relate to what you write. It’s a good feeling…

      I’ll keep the metaphors rolling! πŸ™‚

  2. When we stop running, hiding, avoiding…happiness will find us, I rekon.

    Great poem about happiness and ‘discovery’ πŸ™‚ Well done. I am drawn to the positivity in all this.

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