Life is the Same Yet Different

This is Maine, weather will change in 10 minutes

This is Maine, weather will change in 10 minutes

We judge from what we see
without rose-colored glasses
within our tiny world
that which does not affect us
things that do not impact our lives…
invisible to most.

Nor-easter building

Nor-easter building

Our life’s routines have dug trenches
walls blocking our view,
we are unaware of our surroundings …
those things far off beckoning us to dream
some close enough to reach out and touch…
if we could only look up, look out, and see.

Early morning at camp.

Early morning at camp.

My view of life is always the same
yet it is always different…
each morning changes from day-to-day
month-to-month, season-to-season.
I have shed the shackles of mundaneness
breached the trenched walls
and see there is life to live.

Fish are waitin', my tip-ups I'm baiten'!

Fish are waitin’, my tip-ups I’m baiten’!

Happiness Has Found Me

Her inner beauty
so powerful
still I try to understand.
I bathe in her goodness
while she washes away my mistakes
of years past.

Now clean
heart and soul
she reaches in
touching me
in places forgotten
bringing me back to life.

once a thing avoided
is again my friend.
No longer afraid
I look ahead
and see the years to come.

I am happy.