The Cycle

A fog
thick… billowing… engulfing a nation
hiding from many that which is
teasing swirls of uncertainty beckon
unclear in shape and content
only to disappear back into the grey
leaving the child within them to interpret
that which was not there

Puffs of incoherence coalesced
a new abstract born of vapor…
there one instant and gone the next
bowing to a breeze, or
destroyed by the light of day exposing
that born in the dark…
that born from vapor returns to vapor
to engulf those who cannot see
through the fog they create

The Book

Seems to be ever more relevant today than in 2012…


Old Book

I can still see it
in this old man’s mind’s eye…
even after the great cleansing
the picture burns brightly
every story told contained within…
so large it was.

I remember the burnings;
and those that would protect it
would burn also.
They called it “The Enlightening”…
thoughts controlled, and words unliked
removed from common intercourse
it… being the source of knowledge…

New words acceptable to the Learned
now control us…
our native tongue infected;
we can no longer express that which we think.
Silence has given way to a term long forgotten
but kindred to its former use
as we flock to the speak-easy
where those of old
share wisdom long since vanquished…
sharing words forgotten…

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