A Shooting Star

A shooting star
one in a million
a moment in time
bright and beautiful
making all around it
pale in comparison
as it burns into memory

Each sighting…
a place… a time
each one bringing back
all that came before
bringing a smile
as special times remembered
never to be forgotten
one in a million

mom… you are my shooting star

Being a Father

Not perfect
but doing the best he can
balancing time and responsibility,
work and family…
his candle burned at both ends.

Wanting more than what he had
for his offspring
so difficult to achieve with
so many obstacles placed in his way…
he pushes on.

Misunderstood, yet loved;
strict, yet fair;
overbearing, yet a pushover;
loud, yet gentle;
he is so many things…

It is a difficult thing to be a father;
his achievements measured and relished
not only by the success of his marriage
but by the successes of his children
bringing peace as years pass by.