The Chuck and Nancy Review

Come and listen to my story ‘bout Chuck and Nan
Out to make a buck any way that they can
They’ll sell out a city, a county or a state
Or even our own country, make no mistake

They bring in cartel outlaws to do their very worst
Beatings, rapes and murders with Holder’s guns of course
Give votes to illegal immigrants who get paid a handsome fee
To lie and steal our tax dollars so they get stuff for free

I heard from one who heard from one who knows what’s going down
They’re getting hands on Soros bucks to grind us in the ground
They’ve told so many boners they can’t keep nothin’ straight
So they keep out all us taxpayers with walls and guarded gates

I applaud those of the movement who have chose to #WalkAway
Dem’s numbers are regressing and conservatives are blown away
Their actions give us hope that maybe all is not yet lost
But while they grasp at plastic straws they’re running up a mega cost

To all you whacked out voters who want everything for free
Pull your head out of your butt cause there ain’t no money tree
When you file that W4 ole Chuck and Nan are sure to know
When you can’t buy beer or pizza you’ll wonder where’d your money go

Life on the Trail

This is for “Bugs”; a fighter, one of a kind, creator of incredible art, photographer, a good man… and my friend.  Keep up the good fight Bugs!!!

The smell
as familiar as that morning cup of coffee
enjoyed while listening to the serenade
of bacon dancing on the cast iron skillet
in perfect harmony with the rhythm of bubbling beans…
and the smell of fresh-baked biscuits beckons you

The herd
nature’s call apparent with nowhere to hide
the sound of cattle moving about, louder by the minute
the morning’s symphony overtaken…
sweet smells of breakfast fade
as you leave the pot behind

has left its mark
the heavy odor of wet horse-flesh
blending with the smell of the herd
all remaining memories of breakfast erased
only the smell of work remains

from a night of cold and a hard uneven bed
makes you wonder why you signed up
the saddle wearing itself into your thighs
blisters telling you the story of this trip
with each step taken

with the cool, muddy water
pulled from a hole filled with cattle’s feet and horse’s snouts
taking all into your canteen
water, the magic elixir restores life
you push on tonguing grit from between your teeth

after another meal of morning’s beans and biscuits
comes quickly, to be interrupted by the watch
two hours sleep, two hours watch, and maybe
the previous days wear will allow you two more hours of rest
the smell of coffee and bacon brings you to your senses…

Way Too Much Work

Hi All –

Seems like I can’t get the time I need to focus on the poetry;  my responsibilities to Pat and myself are keeping me on the road, working on 3 properties; fixing things, installing things, working several veggie gardens, small construction projects, cutting back brush and trees, getting firewood, and on and on.  Not complaining… I love working.  I just don’t have the clarity of mind to write poetry when I’m dragging ass and running a quart low.  😀

I have been able to finish up a few short stories that I started over a year ago about my life in the military.  If you’re interested, you’ll find them under my Steve’s Tidbits.

Hope you are all doing well.


In The Safety Of His Room

The safety of the unborn
in the unborn’s tiny room,
all that’s needed to survive
is in the mother’s womb.

But nature has to take its course
and soon the time is here;
with much distress and coldness
mother’s womb must disappear.

Now in this world of bright lights
and many goings-on,
many lessons to be learned
as life goes marching on.

burning a candle at both ends

burning a candle at both ends (Photo credit: MayaEvening)

Expectations from the parents
many challenges from friends,
expectations from the teachers;
burn the candle at both ends.

A new job and another
with bills that must be paid,
and moving yet another time
many decisions to be made.

Successes can be many,
and friendships far and wide.
The closest of the close
are standing firmly at your side.

And business efforts bring rewards
many others would desire,
but with rewards come feelings
taken advantage of and tired.

With life comes many feelings
some good and some are bad,
the good ones make you happy
the bad ones make you sad.

As when in mother’s belly
what was needed was right there.
The things that bring much comfort
in this room are everywhere.

So he seeks to find security
of long ago in mother’s womb.
He finds his sanctuary
in the safety of his room.



Pregnant woman credit:×787.jpg

Fetal position credit: