Life on the Trail

This is for “Bugs”; a fighter, one of a kind, creator of incredible art, photographer, a good man… and my friend.  Keep up the good fight Bugs!!!

The smell
as familiar as that morning cup of coffee
enjoyed while listening to the serenade
of bacon dancing on the cast iron skillet
in perfect harmony with the rhythm of bubbling beans…
and the smell of fresh-baked biscuits beckons you

The herd
nature’s call apparent with nowhere to hide
the sound of cattle moving about, louder by the minute
the morning’s symphony overtaken…
sweet smells of breakfast fade
as you leave the pot behind

has left its mark
the heavy odor of wet horse-flesh
blending with the smell of the herd
all remaining memories of breakfast erased
only the smell of work remains

from a night of cold and a hard uneven bed
makes you wonder why you signed up
the saddle wearing itself into your thighs
blisters telling you the story of this trip
with each step taken

with the cool, muddy water
pulled from a hole filled with cattle’s feet and horse’s snouts
taking all into your canteen
water, the magic elixir restores life
you push on tonguing grit from between your teeth

after another meal of morning’s beans and biscuits
comes quickly, to be interrupted by the watch
two hours sleep, two hours watch, and maybe
the previous days wear will allow you two more hours of rest
the smell of coffee and bacon brings you to your senses…

Way Too Much Work

Hi All –

Seems like I can’t get the time I need to focus on the poetry;  my responsibilities to Pat and myself are keeping me on the road, working on 3 properties; fixing things, installing things, working several veggie gardens, small construction projects, cutting back brush and trees, getting firewood, and on and on.  Not complaining… I love working.  I just don’t have the clarity of mind to write poetry when I’m dragging ass and running a quart low.  😀

I have been able to finish up a few short stories that I started over a year ago about my life in the military.  If you’re interested, you’ll find them under my Steve’s Tidbits.

Hope you are all doing well.


Karma Dictates

I see the madness all around
Both here and far away
Life’s become commodity
While politicians play
Death, destruction entertain
Some live that morbid truth
Karma dictates consequence
Will soon come home to roost

So many hate and don’t know why
Blindly sowing pain
Come the fall with garden ripe
There’s nothing that’s been gained
Believers of another faith
The poison arrow loosed
Karma dictates consequence
Will soon come home to roost

Live your life let others be
Don’t rock the boat to hard
Throw rocks at neighbors and you’ll find
Rocks in your own back yard
Infringe upon another’s life
Their happiness reduced
Karma dictates consequence
Will soon come home to roost

A life filled with tranquility
Is offered to us all
Focus on the good in life
To the side the bad will fall
Spread good vibrations everywhere
Give another’s life a boost
Karma dictates all good deeds
Will soon come home to roost

Still Here

Busy time of year… harvesting from the gardens, canning, freezing, waterproofing one cabin, winterizing two cabins, stacking firewood.  Hope to be back to writing poetry soon.  All I have time for now is to edit and post short stories I wrote over the past many months.  You can see them by clicking on Steve Hall’s Tidbits below the header, or visiting

Americans Rejecting Mainstream Media for British Newspapers

A better source for news.

A Conservative Edge

the raw storyData: Americans Rejecting Mainstream Media for British Newspaper.

The fastest growing “newspaper” in America is based in Manchester, England. The Internet analytics firm found that the number of visitors to the website of The Guardian grew by 1111.75% in August and an astounding 671,389.51% over the past year, signifying the desire for Americans to find real information about what’s going on.

the-guardian-growth-dataThe main word that people going to The Guardian were searching for was “Syria,” according to Compete’s blog. That would indicate Americans appreciate The Guardian’s skepticism of President Obama’s plans to attack Syria and its reputation for honest reporting. It also indicates that average Americans no longer trust their own media and are increasingly turning to a foreign news source.

In polls previously reported by Anthony Gucciardi on Storyleak, it was found that the mainstream media has virtually lost all trust from the American people.

It’s no coincidence…

View original post 104 more words

In Other Words

In other words…

We have traveled many roads together
a roadmap of our design tracing earth’s curves
as I trace hers with my touch
along the way picking up parcels of life…
reminders of where we have been, things we have done
and as I reflect
I recall mountains climbed and colors seen
our life taking on the wondrous landscape

With every touch she brings me further back to life
and like the great oak I find
my love for her anchors more deeply…
we are one…
time apart passes like cold molasses through an hour glass as
anticipation grows for our reunion
rituals we have made
sharing ourselves and our time
port shared mouth to mouth, sleeping skin to skin…
she is now a part of me
her voice, her presence, her touch
my salvation
as thoughts of her turn to smiles
and I realize my dreams are a reflection of my life
a life made better.

My cup of life always full
warmth, happiness, comfort, pleasure, love
my life now complete
a long road traveled with many stops along the way
we have walked many miles together
and when we can walk no more
we will sit, and marvel at all we have done…
the autumn of our lives
rich with color.


I wake to see
a peaceful face
surrounded by comforters
in a heavy sleep
and I am happy.

Minutes pass
and I am still watching;
and like the morning sunrise
her peacefulness spreads to me
and brings me warmth.

As if a master’s painting
I cannot look away
and smile as I take in
the beauty of her face…
a masterpiece.

She wakes
and this picture fills with life.
I relish in the thought
that I will be with her this day;
an angel watches over me.

As the day draws to a close
remembering all we have done
I smile again,
and think, what a lucky man
who this woman would have.

Life in Black and White

So many meanings does this have
of people’s color, of right and wrong…
so set are we, we cannot see
past the surface of things
missing so much

Rose colored glasses add only illusion
a disguise for how we perceive
as we fool only ourselves;
cast in concrete our beliefs
all that could be escapes us

Easels offer what could be…
a sample of what is
if we would only acknowledge
there is more than status quo
a rainbow awaits us.